Brest State Technical University, Course "Contemporary Method of Data Processing"

From students' works (2013)

Lisenkov Roman

Brutsky Vasily

Tereshko Ilya (Left) and similar two by Mokin Alexander (Center) and Dubrovsky Alexander (Right)

Similar but more ridged two results by Lohnitskiy Alexey and Mokin Ilya

Volkovich Mikhail

=> He extended His previous set of 10 rules to 25 rules of all possible combination of speed and distance, so that the surface becomes smoother.

Kuz Eugene (Left) and Kabachuk Roman (Right)

Boiko Svetlana (Left) and Danilchyk Raman (Right)

Golub Olga

Demchuk Kristina

Dmeneuk Roman (Left) and Nikonorova Dasha (Right)

Lesnev Pavel (Left) and Antonov Vitali (Right)

Shostik Andrey

=> Left: 100 points on the surface of 3D distance-speed-break are expressed in Jawa language (not shown from 2 to 99 here) & Right: A snapshot of 2 metros both of whose break are determined acording to this 100 points.