Brest State Technical University, Course "Contemporary Intelligent Information Technology (CIIT)"

From students' works (2014)

Knapsack Problem
An example of 20 items ... By Lishko Yulia

Price and size of each item.

Fitness vs. Generation.

The best combination with maximum total price.

Traveling Salesperson Problem
An example of 30 cities ... By Lishko Yulia

Her map

Distance matrix

Evolution from the start to the end

It's evolution.

Looks wonderful isn't it?

A minimization of y = (1-x)*sin^4{5*pi/(1+x^4)} (0,1) with 10-bit binary chromosome & population 20
By Kanashuk Anton

Then a Fitness Sharing was applied to the same function
Also by Kanashuk Anton

A 3D Function Maximization: Fitness Sharing on z = -4*x^2 + 2.1*x^4 - x^6/3 - xy + 4*y^2 - 4*Y^4 with x abd y being [-1.9,1.9] and [-1.1,1.1]
An example s ... By Predko Alexandra

A 3D Function Maximization An example s ... By Predko