Brest State Technical University, Course
"Contemporary Method of Data Processing (CCOD)
From students' works (2013)
A virtual metro: two cars in a loop line
(i) A snapshot ... By Volkovich Mikhail
(ii) An orginal unique challenge ... By Karalenka Aliaksei
He call this "ASCII metro."
A set of 10 rules to controll each of metro cars
(i) An example ... By Volkovich Mikhail
(ii) Yet another example ... By Lisenkov Roman
15 membership functions -- 5 for SPEED, 5 for DISTANCE and 5 for BREAK
Big table of all combinations of speed, distance and break
as well as memebership value of each of the three.
To de-fuzzify BREAK -- necessary BREAK value for specific value of SPEED and DISTANCE
(i) The membership function of the rule "IF speed = medium AND distance = medium THEN break = medium"
when speed = 20, distance = 80 and break = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ... By Meluch Michael
(ii) The other similar example of the rule "IF speed = slow AND distance = short THEN break = medium"
when speed = 10 and distance = 100 ... By Zhuk Igor
(iii) Yet other examples of two different rules ... By Leonchuk Ksenia
Membership function of "..." OR "..."
when speed = 30, distance = 150 and break = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ... By Brutsky Vasily
Speed vs Break for a fixed value of Distance under a set of 10 rules
(i) For one fixed value of DISTANCE ... By Demchuk Kristina



(ii) Or, an extraction of one procedure from such repetions ... By Galina Bezabrazava

(One part of her results of distance=300 and speed=0,10,20,30,40,50)
- For two fixed values of DISTANCE
(i) An example ... By Lisenkov Roman
(ii) Another example ... By Priluckiy Vladislav
- For three fixed values of DISTANCE
Two such examples ... By Zhuk Igor, Romanyuk Vladimir, Shostik Andrey (Left) and Meliukh Michael and Leonchuk Ksenia (Right)

- For five fixed values of DISTANCE
(i) An example ... By Andrus Viktoria
(ii) The other two examples ... By Yarmoluk Mihail (Left) and Mokin Ilya (Right)
(iii) Two representation using matlab ... By Mokin Alexander (Left) and Brutsky Vasily (Right)
- For 10 fixed values of DISTANCE
(i) An example ... By Demenuk Roman
Draw surface by plotting points on 3D space of speed (x-axis) - distance (y-axis) - break (z-axis) under a set of 10 rules
- A preliminary trial (speed=0,10,20,30,40,50, distance=0,100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,
and break=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. 66 points in total ... By Volkovich Mikhail
- Or, with more points ... By Bakunovich Dmitriy