Brest State Technical University, Course
"Contemporary Method of Data Processing)"
From students' works (2014)
A virtual metro: two cars in a loop line
Snapshots ... By Radchuk Aliona
She also show animation
click here!
Memebership Function of [speed = (...) AND distance = (...)]
Example for speed = (...) AND distance = (...) ... By Supruniuk Darya
The other Example for speed = (medium) AND distance = (medium)
... By Kivachuk Aliaksandra

Memebership Function of [IF speed = (...) AND distance = (...) THEN brake = (...)]
No more possible graphical visualization
because membership is defined on 3D plane and glaphic should be 4D.
An example ... By Kil'beda Olga

Another example ... By Korol Andrey
Memebership Function of two rules of the form [IF speed = (...) AND distance = (...) THEN brake = (...)]
An examples ... By Bokhanov Evgenii
Then make a program to know membership value from three inputs: speed, distance, and brake. Why don't you try and enjoy!
Created by Bokhanov Evgenii"
Created by Sobolev Igor"
Created by Kotov Oleg"
Memebership Function of 3 rules and membership function of break by center of gravity (...)]
An examples of a pair of (speed, distance) ... By Kuchur Alexander
Another of a pair of (speed, distance) ... By Marchanka Ilya
Another of two pairs of (speed, distance) ... By Soloduha Pavel
Memebership Function of 3 rules and membership function of break by center of gravity (...)]
An examples of 2D graph with 10 different values of speed while distance being a constant value
... By Denisenko Viktor
My intention for you to make it:
And then
We can draw 3D surface of brake strength
Thus, 3-D surface can be drown by repeating the above with a couple values of distance,
instead of being constant, that is,
Memebership Function of 3 rules and membership function of break by center of gravity (...)]
An example of 3D graph with 10 different values of speed
for three diferent value of distances ... By Bokhanov Evgenii
The very final results of Brake surface defined on Speed-Distance for 10 rules
An example ... By Marchanka Ilya

The other nice examples ... By
Omerchuk Anton, Patseyuk Dzmitry, Repeiko Dmitry, Soloduha Pavel, and Torgasheva Olga (From Top Left to Bottom Right)

Classification Iris Flower with Takagi-Sugeno: (1) Singleton Consequence rule
An examples of 6 rules, its Gaussian membership function
and table of success or not ... By Yanuschuk Dmitry
A code to classify
Created by Ilya Marchanka"
Classification Iris Flower with Takagi-Sugeno: (2)Provabilistic Consequence rule
An examples of 6 rules and table of success or not ... By Chepeleu Kiryl
Classification Iris Flower with Takagi-Sugeno: (3) Linear Combination Consequence rule
An examples of 6 rules and table of success or not ... By Kotov Oleg
His 6 rules (Left), membership function of Small, Mideum, Large (Center) and Parameter set for consequence a_1, a_2, a_3 and a_4
Resultes of classification
A code to classify
Created by Sobolef Igor"
Clustering by Fuzzy Relation
An example of Russian alphabet ... By Radchuk Aliona
Original matrix R^(0) of how resemble with each other

Step 1. replace elements A_ij less than alpha=0.55 with 0

Step 3. look for A_st that takes maximum value

In conclusion!

An example of a forign alphabet we usually don't know ... By Ilya Marchanka
Original matrix R^(0) of how resemble with each other

An example of a part of Greek alphabet ... By Kuchur Alexander

Time series prediction by Fuzzy logic 1
An examples of prediction ... By Ilya Marchanka

Time series prediction by Fuzzy logic 2
An examples of prediction ... By Soloduha Pavel

Time series prediction by Fuzzy logic 3
An examples of prediction ... By Bokhanov Evgenii

Time series prediction by Fuzzy logic 4
Using Takagi-Sugeno Model... By Golenko Dmitrii, Katolik Alexandr, Korol Andrew, and Sobotovich dmitry