Brest State Technical University, Course "Contemporary Intelligent Information Technology (CIIT)"
From students' works (2016)
All One Problem
Start with random 50 chromosome each with 1000 genes, that is,
an average of 500 genes "1" and 500 genes "0"
An example of result ... By Trotuk Aleksei (Left) and Chekun Roman (Right) (5 February)
1000 genes seem to be too big to converge to all one chromosome!
Then what is the maximum number of genes that enables evolution to converge so that all genes are "1"?
Or what if we apply mutation to 1000 chromosomes again 50% vs 50% 1000 genes
What if, then, we use a,
with a probability, say, 0,001 (average of one gene of every chromosome will be mutated)
An example of result ... By Marchuk Viktoria (12 February)
Alas, it didn't seem successful! Maybe larger rate of mutation would be necessary.
(i) A trial with larger population (Left), (ii) A trial of starting more "1" and (iii) A test of mutation effect
An example of result ... By Melnikov Artiom (26 March 2016)
(i) and (ii) looks successful! (iii) suggest mutation rate is too big!
Lucky Dog
Lucky dog problem in gridworld (0,0)-(1000,1000) with dog house at (500,500) and sausage at (800,800)
An example of result ... By Trotuk Aleksei (5 February)
(i) 10 random courses at the 1st generation; (ii) fitness vs generation, and (iii) The course of lucky dog in the final generation
What about there are two sausages, for example at (200,200) and (800,800)?
What if there exists two sausages?
An example of result ... By Zayats Igor (26 February)
Even there exsits two sausages, all the dogs seem to try only one of them!
Minimization of Test Function
Rustrigin Function
A result of 2-D ... By Navrosjuk Kostia (11 March)
Those red rectangulars seem to be candidates of soloutions. Then we can see they evolved from random to the solutions.
It would be better to add which generation to each graphs.
A result of 2-D ... By Gritsuk Ekaterina (11 March)
Three graphs would look to be better if they were drawn with a same scale of x-y-z, i.e., -6
Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)
5 cities located at random
An example of result ... By Muzyka Alexandr (18 March)

Let's evolve!
Shortest route in the population - from the bigining to the final.
15 cities rondomly located on the circle (x-5)^2+(y-5)^2=25
An example of result ... By Kolesnikov Dmitry (25 March)
Map, Distance-matrix and fitness vs generation

Let's see the evovlution of best tour in population

25 cities located at fixed points (not random) on the grid like chess board
An example of result (08 April)
Map ... By Kaminets Kiryl (Left) or Map ... By Harhun Tsimafei (Right)

Distance Matrix ... By

Evolution - Fitness vs. Generation ... By Kaminets Kiryl

Evolution of shortest tour ... By Kaminets Kiryl