Tuesday, October, 2nd, 2001
08:00 - 10:30 Registration
10:30 - 11:00 Welcome
11:00 - 12:00 Plenary session
Dr. Akira Imada.1
High-dimensional weight space? - How can we observe it?
12:00 - 14:00 Launch
14:00 - 15:30 A1 Neural Networks Classification
Chair: V.I. Dubrovin, Co-chair: M. Tamosi¯unait\.e
Sar¯unas Raudys
Generalization of MLP classifiers.
Sar¯unas Raudys
Combining the Expert Networks: a Review.
Ar¯unas Janeli¯unas
Bias Correction of Linear Classifiers
in the Classifier Combination Scheme.
14:00 - 15:30 B1 Pattern recognition and image processing
Chair: M. Tatur, Co-chair: V. Kochan
Nikolay Rubanov
A FNN-based Bipartite Graph Labeling
Algorithm with Application to Subcircuit Recognition.
Boris A. Zalesky
Multiresolution Piecewise Polynomial
Decomposition of Images.
Alexey Petrovsky, Theodore Laopoulos, Vladimir Golovko,
Raouf Sadykhov, Anatoly Sachenko
Dynamic algorithm transform of wavelet packet
decomposition structure in audio coders.
15:30 - 15:50 Break
15:50 - 17:20 A2 Neural Networks Classification
Chair: N. Rubanov, Co-chair: A. Saudargien\.e
Minija Tamosi¯unait\.e, Sar¯unas Raudys
A Neural Network Based on ECG ST Segment
Prediction Accuracy for Classification of Ventricular Fibrillation.
Valeriy I. Dubrovin, Sergey A. Subbotin
Neural Network Classifier for Diagnostics.
Valentin M. Shendyapin
Adaptive Vector Model for Neuron Learning.
15:50 - 17:20 B2 Pattern recognition and image processing
Chair: B. Zalesky, Co-chair: R. Aliev
Alexey Petrovsky, Theodore Laopoulos, Vladimir Golovko,
Raouf Sadykhov, Anatoly Sachenko
DISC (Dynamic Instructor Set Computer)
Architecture of Wavelet Packet Processor for Real-Time Audio Signal
Compression Systems.
Dmitry Bryliuk, Valery Starovoitov
Application of Recirculation Neural
Network and Principal Component Analysis for Face Recognition.
Denis Vershok
The Algorithm of Segmentation of Grayscale Images.
Wednesday, October, 3rd, 2001
09:00 - 10:00 Plenary session
Prof. Sar¯unas Raudys.2
Integration of statistical and neural approaches to design
classification and prediction rules.
10:00 - 10:20 Break
10:20 - 12:00 A3 Applications: Medicine and Finances
Chair: S. Sikstr\"om, Co-chair: A. Petrovsky
Audrone Jakaitiene, Antanas Zilinskas
Algorithmic Aspects of a Competing Risk Model.
A. Podlipskyt\.e, Antanas Zilinskas,
G. Varoneckas
On Efficiency of MDS Software: Case Study of Data on Sleep Quality.
Andrew Skabar,
Ian Cloete
A Comparison of GA-trained and Backpropagation-Trained Artificial
Neural Networks for Discovery of Financial Trading Strategies.
10:20 - 12:00 B3 Applications: Multiagent and
Data Analysis
Chair: M. Versaci, Co-chair: V. Rubanov
V.V. Apanasovich, A.Y. Balakhontsev, V.M. Lutkovski,
P.V. Nazarov, P.Y. Misakov
Application of Neural Networks in Analysis of Atomic Emission Spectra.
Helena Unger
An Extended Navigation System Approach Based on Individual
Behaviour and Learning.
Vera Castanova, Hauke Coltzau, Herwig Unger
Approach to Understanding Adaptive Selflearning Agents.
12:00 - 14:00 Launch
14:00 - 15:30 A4 Applications: Medicine and Finances
Chair: A. Sachenko, Co-chair:
Sverker Sikstr\"om
Habituation and Frequency Effects.
A. Martink\.enas, D. Zemaityt\.e,
L. Vilkauskas
Bayesian Prediction Model with Censored Data.
Yury V. Kolokolov, A.I. Suzdaltsev, E.P. Erutina
Some Peculiarities of Management of Bread-baking Production in
Small Business when Using Fuzzy Models.
14:00 - 15:30 B4 Cognitive Science
Chair: G. Losik, Co-chair: I. Skotnikova
Natalia Novoselova
Low-Level Behavioral Positioning.
Igor E. Tom
High-Level Control of Virtual Human's Behaviour.
A.P. Repeko, N.P. Radchikova
Natural Language Understanding: Problems of Figurative Language
15:30 - 15:50 Break
15:50 - 17:20 A5 Neural Networks. Theory and
Chair: A.Yu. Dorogov, Co-chair: S.L. Koshinsky
Akira Imada
EP Downhill Walkers Explore a Landscape in Weight Space of a
Fully-connected Neural Network Model: Why does Hebbian Peak
Resist to be Found?
Vladimir A. Ptitchkin
Models of Dynamic Neural Networks and Automatic Control Systems.
Valery Tereshko
Topology-Preserving Neural Models with Lateral and Elastic Interactions.
15:50 - 17:20 B5 Cognitive Science
Chair: V. Golenkov, Co-chair: I. Tom
N.P. Radchikova, A.P. Repeko
The Dynamics of Basic Level in the Structures of Human Semantic Memory.
George Losik
Neuron Model with Main and Modified Input.
O.A. Didkovskaya
Cognitive Styles and Problems of Psychological Education.
Thursday, October, 4th, 2001
09:00 - 10:20 A6 Neural Networks. Theory and
Chair: V.A. Ptitchkin, Co-chair: V. Tereshko
Sar¯unas Raudys, Ausra Saudargien\.e,
Edvardas Povilonis
The Bias Evaluation in Model Selection.
I.Yu. Tyukin, T.A. Tyukina, V.A. Terekhov
A Modification of Back Propagation Through Time Algorithm
For a Class of Nonlinear Dynamic Plants.
A.Yu. Dorogov, A.A. Alekseev
Structure Syntethisis Weakly Connected Neural Networks.
09:00 - 10:20 B6 Chaos Theory and Applications
Chair: Yu. Savitsky, Co-chair: I. Tyukin
F.T. Aliew,
R.R. Aliev
Fuzzy Chaos Based Tuning of Fuzzy Controller.
Yury V. Kolokolov, S.L. Koschinsky,
V.V. Bagrov, Kondo H. Adjallah
Parametric Optimization of Pulse Energy Conversion Systems
on the Base of Bifurcation Approach.
I.Yu. Tyukin,
T.A. Tyukina
Penalty Functions Approach to a Training of Neural
Networks in Control Systems.
10:00 - 10:40 Break
10:40 - 12:00 A7 Applications: Multiagent and
Data Analysis
Chair: H. Unger, Co-chair: V. Lutkovski
V. Turchenko, V. Kochan, Anatoly Sachenko
Neural-Based Data Processing in Intelligent Distributed Sensor Network.
F.C. Morabito, Mario Versaci
On the Use of Fuzzy Subsethood and Supersethood for the Plasma
Classification Problem in Tokamak Reactors .
Yury V. Pottosin, Evgeny A. Shestakov
Decomposition of a System of Completely Specified
Boolean Functions Using Compact Table Columns.
10:40 - 12:00 B7 Chaos Theory and Applications
Chair: Yu. Kolokolov, Co-chair: V. Terekhov
Yury V. Kolokolov,
S.L. Koschinsky,
S.V. Kovrizhkin
Identification of Pulse Synchronization Phenomena in the
Dynamics of Energy Conversion System.
Vladimir Golovko, Yury Savitsky,
Nikolaj Maniakov, Vladimir Rubanov
Some Aspects of Chaotic Time Series Analysis.
Vladimir Golovko,
Yury Savitsky
Neural Networks for Chaotic Time Series Forecasting.
12:00 - 14:00 Launch
14:00 - 15:00 A8 Applications: Multiagent and
Data Analysis
Chair: V. Turchenko, Co-chair: V. Zaika
V. N. Malozemov, Sergey M. Masharsky
Adaptive Signal Processing Based on Discrete
Vilenkin-Chrestenson Transform.
Valentin Dimakov
Self-Organizing Path Planning System for an Autonomouse Mobile Robot:
A Neural Subsystem of Word Cartography.
Valery A. Zaika, Rauf Kh. Sadykhov,
A.A. Povarov, M.M. Gromov, N.V. Lopareva
Neural Search of Safety Criteria for Complicated Radio Electronic
Systems on the Basis of the Kolmogorov's Approach.
15:00 - 15:20 Break
15:20 - 16:00 Closing ceremony, award presentation
16:00 - 17:20 Visit in laboratories of BSUIR, and
IEC NAS of Belarus
1Assistant Professor
of Computer Engineering Department of Dokuz Eylul University,
Izmir, Turkey
2Head of the Data
Analysis Department of Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,
Vilnius, Lithuania.