Preliminary Program
International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence (ICNNAI'2006)
31 May - 2 June, 2006
Brest, Belarus
(Last Modified => 20 May 2006)
The Day minus-1: MAY 30, TUESDAY
- REGISTRATION ... 13:00-17:30
At the Room 406 in the 2nd Building of the Brest State Technical University (BSTU).
- WELCOME WINE PARTY ... 18:00 - 20:00
At the Student Bar in the campus of BSTU (Building No.2).
1st Day: MAY 31, WEDNESDAY
All sessions are in the Room 300 in the 5th Building of the BSTU.
- REGISTRATION ... 8:00-
At the room for secretariats for ICNNAI-2006 near the session room.
- OPENING SESSION ... 9:00 - 9:20
- PLENARY TALK 1 ... 9:20 - 10:20
- Prof. Heinz Muehlenbein ... Fraunhofer Institute (Germany)
"Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks:
The Legacy of Alan Turing and John von Neumann."
- COFFEE BREAK ... 10:20 - 10:30
- SESSION I [Cyberspace Security and Defence] ... 10:30 - 12:10
Chair: Akira Imada (Belarus)
- Pavel Kochurko
Fusion of Detectors on the Basis of Recirculation Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection.
- Sergei Bezobrazov
Artificial Immune Systems for Information Security: Comparative Analysis of Negative and Positive Selections.
- Akira Imada
How Many Parachutists will be Needed to Find a Needle in a Pastoral?
- Larisa Gorbashko, and Vladimir Golovko
A Steganographic Method Using Learning Vector Quantization.
- Vladimir Golovko, and Leanid Vaitsekhovich
Neural Network Techniques for Intrusion Detection.
- SESSION II [Neural Robotics] ... 12:20 - 13:20
Chair: Krosh Madani (France)
- George Losik
Five Strategies of the Self-Tutoring of a Neural Networks by E. Sokolov
- Christophe Sabourin, Kurosh Madani, and Olivier Bruneau
A Fuzzy-CMAC Based Hybrid Intuitive Approach for Biped Robot's Adaptive Dynamic Walking.
- Kurosh Madani, Abdennasser Chebira, and Damien Langlois
An Artificial Neural Network Based Approach to Mass Biometry Dilemma Taking advantage from IBM ZISC-036 Neuro-Processor Based Massively Parallel Implementation
- SESSION III [Neural Diagnosis] ... 14:20-15:20
Chair: Rauf Sadykhov (Belarus)
- Iryna Turchenko, Volodymyr Kochan, and Anatoly Sachenko
Simulation Modelling of Neural Control System for Coal Mine Ventilation
- Alexander Doudkin, and Alexander Inyutin
Computer-aided technique for defect and project rules inspection on PCB layout image
- Sadykhov R. Kh., and Lamovsky D. V.
Cross correlation function computation algorithm for video surveillance system.
- COFFEE BREAK ... 15:20 - 15:40
- SESSION IV [Other Applications] ... 15:40 - 17:00
Chair: Alexander Doudkin (Belarus)
- Thai Trung Kien
Analysis of Approaches to Design Voice Conversion Systems.
- Yu. V. Pottosin, and E. A. Shestakov
On Application Of The Ternary Matrix Cover Technique For Minimization Of Boolean Functions.
- Nabil M. Hewahi
Soft Computing as a solution to Time/Cost Distributor.
- Shut V. N., Svirski V. M., Solomiyuk K. S., and Gryazev E. V.
2nd Day: June 1, THURSDAY
- PLENARY TALK 2 ... 9:00 - 10.00
- Prof. Robert Hiromoto ... University of Idaho (US)
"Information-Based Algorithmic Design."
- COFFEE BREAK ... 10:00 - 10:20
- SESSION V [Neural Prediction] ... 10:20-11:40
Chair: Volodymyr Turchenko (Ukraine)
- Konstantin N. Nechval, Nicholas A. Nechval, Irina Bausova, and Vladimir F. Strelchonok
Fatigue Crack Growth Prediction via Artificial Neural Network Technique.
- Lisheng Xu, Jilie Ding, and Xiaobo Deng
A weighting function approach for neural network nonlinear time series analysis of satellite remote sensing of rainstorms
- Vladimir A. Golovko, and Svetlana V. Bezobrazova
Neural Networks for Chaotic Signal Processing: Application to the Electroencephalogram Analysis for Epilepsy Detection
- Volodymyr Turchenko, Viktor Demchuk, Anatoly Sachenko, and Yuri Veremeyenko
An Approach to Interplanetary Shocks Prediction Using Single ACE/EPAM Channel Data.
- SESSION VI [Pattern Recognition] ... 11:50 - 13:10
Chair: Khalid Saeed (Poland)
- Marek Tabedzki, Khalid Saeed
View-Based Word Recognition System
- Vladimir A. Samokhval
Resampling-down Mesh based Discriminant Filter Synthesis for Face Recognition.
- B. Bharathi, V. Deepalakshmi, and I. Nelson
A Neural Network Based Speech Recognition System For Isolated Tamil Words.
- V. V. Krasnoproshin, and E. V. Koblov
An Approach to Solving Face Detection Task
- SESSION VII [Image Processing] ... 14:10-16:10
Chair Akira Imada (Belarus)
- Aleksej Otwagin, and Alexander Doudkin
A Framework for Parallel Processing of Image Dataflow in Industrial Applications.
- Amine Chohra, Nadia Kanaoui, and Kurosh Madani
Image Representation Based Hybrid Intelligent Diagnosis Approach for Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Systems.
- Nataliya Kussul, Serhiy Skakun, and Olga Kussul
Comparative Analysis of Neural Networks and Statistical Approaches to Remote Sensing Image Classification.
- Diego Bendersky, and Juan Miguel Santos
Learning From The Environment With A Universal Reinforcement Function.
- Jean-Jacques Mariage
Can neural networks holistically reprogram themselves through their own observation?
- Poramate Manoonpong, Frank Pasemann, and Hubert Roth
A Modular Neurocontroller for a Sensor-Driven Reactive Behavior of Biologically Inspired Walking Machines.
- COFFEE BREAK ... 16:10 - 16:30
- SESSION VIII [Pattern Classification] ... 16:30 - 17:30
Chair: Dmitri Viattchenin (Belarus)
- Marcin Adamski, and Khalid Saeed
Classification of handwritten signatures based on boundary tracing.
- Krystyna Sadowska, and Andrei Sharamet
A Modification of the FCM-CV-algorithm and Its Application for Radar Portraits Classification.
- Dmitri A. Viattchenin
On the Inspection of Classification Results in the Fuzzy Clustering Method Based on the Allotment Concept.
3rd Day: June 2, FRIDAY
- PLENARY TALK 3 ... 9:00 - 10:00
- Prof. Colin M. Frayn ... University of Birmingham (UK)
"Applying Natural Computation to Real World Business - Selected Highlights from Cercia."
- COFFEE BREAK ... 10:00 - 10:20
- MINI WORKSHOP ... 10:20 - 12:20
- Prof. Kurosh Madani ... Paris XII University
"Modular Connectionist Systems: Toward Higher Level Intelligent Functions"
- EXCURSION ... 13:30 -
To Brest Fortress and Belavezhskaya Puscha (Forrest) 13:30-