Me in Newspapers, Journals, or TV show in Belarus
It's nice to be sometimes on air on TV. Once I was in a live program in a TV station in Brest, inteviewd at the Lab or in the student cafeteria in our University. Or even in Minsk sometimes. I appreciate that they are always positive about me. And it is a fan to be greeted from someone unknown telling me "I saw you on TV," or "I read your article in the newspaper." I thank Belarusian mass-media a lot.
2003 Brest Courier (November)
2004 Bechernyj Brest (25 June)

2005 Brest Courier (5 March)
Headline reads samurai in Brest which I'm not but grad to be called so. Thanks!
2008 Brest Courier (January)
I felt honored to read their citation of the poem by Saigyo who was a poet 400 years ago in Japan, describing in the article that I was like the modern Saigyo visiting Belarus from Japan.
2010 Art i Fakto (11 November)
One day in a train from Minsk to Brest, I met a young journalist who wanted to write an article on me in a newspaper published in Minsk. The headline was strange. It reads "strange miracle." (Nov. 2010)
2011 Bechernyj Brest (25 March)
The topic they wanted to talk was the catastroph happened in Japan (Nov. 2011).
2013 Respublika (6 October)
Headline leads Our "sensei" which means teacher in Japanese.

2013 Comsomolskaya (22 October)
It was "Teacher's Day" in Belarus on 6 October 2013. This was the reason why I was interviewed by the Minsk newspaper The "Republic." The title was "Our Sensei" which means "Our Teacher."
One day before the day, a Brest TV station "ODN" visited me at the University, and took video of the scene of our practice course for more than one hour.
It was for their 16:00 news problem, and it was edited to around 10 minutes footage.

2015 Brest Courrier (26 March)
2017 Binocular (April)
the whole article online
2017 Binocular (April)
the whole article online
Me in Youtube from Belarus
Recently, someone submit one of them to Youtube. This is during my lecture in the seminar held in BSTU on one day in November 2014. See
You might crick here to take a look.