BSTU Laboratory of Artificial Neural Networks
h i s t o r y

Foundation date: 1994

The Laboratory of Artificial Neural Networks (LANN) specializes in area of development of the artificial intelligence systems for solution of various problems: prediction; image recognition; combinatorial optimization; autonomous control by vehicles; expert systems etc.
LANN elaborated training algorithms for various neural networks, which one in comparison with known were characterized by the higher speed of training. So, for example, the various modification of the Backpropagation algorithm were offered, the training algorithm of the recirculation neural networks was elaborated etc. LANN elaborates also the original neural networks for solving of combinatorial optimization problems and autonomous control by vehicles.

Now LANN collaborates with research groups of many countries:

  • Univesidad Politechnica de Valencia (Spain);
  • Fachhochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten (Germany);
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece);
  • University of Calabria (Italy);
  • Institute of Computer Information Technologies (Ukraine).

At present time LANN participates in two INTAS projects in frameworks of collaboration with other research groups:

  1. Intelligent neural system for autonomous control of a mobile robot;
  2. Development of an intelligent sensing instrumentation structure.

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