p u b l i c a t i o n s

Intelligent Neural System for Autonomous Control of a Mobile Robot
- The monographies
- V. Golovko Neural Networks : Theory and applications. Book 1 : Organisation and training of the neural networks.- BPI 1999, 260 p (in Russian language);
- V. Golovko Neural Networks : Theory and applications. Book 2 : Self-organisation, fault tolerance and application of the neural networks.- BPI 1999, 227 p (in Russian language);
- V. A. Golovko, A. N. Klimovich, V. B. Gladyschuk Pre-processing of the sensors information for robustness control of the mobile robot.- Proceedings of the Second World Manufacturing Congress WMC'99. ICSC Academic Press 1999,p.362 - 367
- V. Dimakov, V. Golovko, K. Schilling, J. Pico Self-organizing optimal rout planning system for control of an autonomous mobile robot.- Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing WISP'99, Technical University of Budapest 1999,p.99- 103.
- V. Dimakov, V. Golovko The Neural Network of Best Path Planning.- Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technologies for Education, Science and Business, Minsk 1999, p. 220-222.
- V. Golovko, K. Schilling, R. Sadykhov, P. Albertos, V. Dimakov The architecture of the Neural System for Control of a Mobile Robot.- Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Brest 1999, p.57 - 61.
- V. Golovko Reactive Control of a Mobile Robot Based on Neural Networks.- Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Brest 1999, p.62 - 68.
- V. Dimakov Self-organizing system forming strategy for the global behaviour for control of an autonomous mobile robot.- Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Brest 1999, p.73 - 78.
- V. Dimakov The approach of shortest path planning problem solution on the basis of a neural.- Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Brest 1999, p.79 - 84.
- V. Golovko, A. Klimovich, K. Schilling, J. Pico Neural Networks for Reactive Control of the Mobile Robot.- Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing WISP'99, Technical University of Budapest 1999,p.310 - 315
- V. Golovko, V. Gladyschuk Recirculation neural network training for image processing.- Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Advanced Computer Systems" ACS'99, Szczecin 1999, p. 73-78.
- R. Sadykhov, A. Klimovich, O. Malenko Method of Spatial Map Forming for Autonomous Mobile Robot Control.- Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, Budapest 1999, p. 242 - 245
- A. Ivkin, A. Doudkin, R. Sadykhov Architecture of Computer Vision Software System.- Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Brest 1999, p.173 - 177
- R. Sadykhov, A. Klimovich, O. Malenko Algorithms of Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robot Control.- Proc. of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Brest 1999, p.106 - 109
- R. Sadykhov, A. Klimovich Models of the Neural Networks in the Problems of Mobile Robot Control.- Preprint No. 10, Institute of Engineering Cybernetics Minsk 1999 , 42 pages (in Russian)
- R. Sadykhov, R. Telyatnikov Algorithms for Training of Neural Networks on the Base of Properties of the Radial Basis Functions Pattern Identification.- Institute of Engineering Cybernetics Minsk 1999 , p. 58 - 64 (in Russian)
- A. Ivkin, A. Doudkin, R. Sadykhov Object Model of the Computer Vision System.- Proceedings of the Fith International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing, Vol.2, p.253-258 Minsk 1999 (in Russian)
Development of an Intelligent Sensing Instrumentation Structure I.S.I.S.
- Y. Savitsky, V. Golovko TRAINING OF THE RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS FOR PREDICTION.- Proceedings of Fifth International Conference "Pattern Recognition and Information Processing" PRIP'99, 18-20 May 1999, Minsk, Belarus,- pp. 248-253.
- V. Golovko, V. Gladyschuk, D. Nikolaychuk RECIRCULATION NETWORK TRAINING FOR IMAGE PROCESSING.- Proceedings of Fifth International Conference "Pattern Recognition and Information Processing" PRIP'99, 18-20 May 1999, Minsk, Belarus,- pp. 137-142.
- T. Laopoulos, V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, A. Sachenko, L. Grandinetti ARCHITECTURE AND ADAPTIVE TRAINING ALGORITHMS OF THE RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK.- Proceedings of International Conference "Information Technologies for Education, Science and Business" ITESB'99, 24-25 June 1999, Minsk, Belarus,- pp. 215-219.
- T. Laopoulos, V. Golovko, V. Gladyschuk, S. Markuzov, A. Sachenko, L. Grandinetti RECIRCULATION NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING FOR IMAGE COMPRESSION.- Proceedings of International Conference "Information Technologies for Education, Science and Business" ITESB'99, 24-25 June 1999, Minsk, Belarus,- pp. 55-59.
- V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, A. Dunets, A. Sachenko, T. Laopoulos, L. Grandinetti MODIFICATIONS OF THE ARCHITECTURE AND TRAINING ALGORITHMS OF THE RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK FOR TIME SERIES PREDICTION.- IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing WISP'99, 4-7 September 1999, Budapest, Hungary, - pp. 141-145.
- V. Golovko, A. Sachenko, T. Laopoulos, V. Gladyschuk, L. Grandinetti RULES OF THE RECIRCULATION NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING.- IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing WISP'99, 4-7 September 1999, Budapest, Hungary, - pp. 305-309.
- T. Laopoulos, V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, A. Sachenko, L. Grandinetti THE RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS ARCHITECTURES AND ADAPTIVE TRAINING ALGORITHMS FOR TIME SERIES PREDICTION.- Proceedings of the 9-th World Conference on Titanium, 7-11 June 1999, St. Peterburg, Russia,- p. 13.
- V. Golovko, V. Gladyschuk RECIRCULATION NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING FOR IMAGE PROCESSING.- Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Advanced Computer Systems" ACS'99, 18-19 November 1999, Szczecin, Poland, -pp. 73-78.
- V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, A. Dunets, A. Sachenko, T. Laopoulos, L. Grandinetti NEURAL NETWORK SYSTEM FOR TIME SERIES PREDICTION.- Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference "Advanced Computer Systems" ACS'99, 18-19 November 1999, Szczecin, Poland, -pp. 223-227.
- V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky NEW APPROACH OF THE RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING.- Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI'99, 12-15 October 1999, Brest, Belarus, - pp. 32-35
- V. Golovko, A. Dunets, Y. Savitsky THE TRAINING OF FEEDFORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS.- Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI'99, 12-15 October 1999, Brest, Belarus, - pp. 36-38
- V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, A. Sachenko, V. Kochan, V. Turchenko, T. Laopoulos, L. Grandinetti INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR PREDICTION OF SENSOR DRIFT.- Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI'99, 12-15 October 1999, Brest, Belarus, - pp. 126-135
- V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, T. Laopoulos, A. Sachenko, L. Grandinetti TECHNIQUE OF LEARNING RATE ESTIMATION FOR EFFICIENT TRAINING OF MLP.- Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN'2000, July 2000, Como, Italy
- V. Golovko, O. Ignatiuk, Y. Savitsky, T. Laopoulos, A. Sachenko, L. Grandinetti UNSUPERVISED LEARNING FOR DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION.- Proc. of Second Int. ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems EIS'2000, University of Paisley, Scotland, U.K. - 2000.
- V. Golovko, Y. Savitsky, T. Laopoulos, A. Sachenko, L. Grandinetti EFFICIENT TRAINING OF MLP WITH TRAINING STEP RATE ESTIMATION.- Proceedings of the International Conference ISCI'2000
- A.Sachenko, V.Kochan, V.Turchenko, V.Tymchyshyn, N.Vasylkiv INTELLIGENT NODES FOR DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORK.- Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Venice, Italy - May 24-26, 1999, vol. 3, pp.1479-1484.
- A.Sachenko, V.Kochan, V.Turchenko, N.Vasylkiv INTELLIGENT SYSTEM OF TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT.- Abstracts of the 7th International Symposium on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science TEMPMEKO'99, Delft, the Netherlands, 1-3 June 1999, p.88.
- V.Golovko, L.Grandinetti, V.Kochan, T.Laopoulos, A.Sachenko, V.Turchenko, V.Tymchyshyn APPROACH OF AN INTELLIGENT SENSING INSTRUMENTATION STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT.- Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing, Budapest, Hungary, 4-7 September, 1999, pp.336-341.
- A.Sachenko, V.Kochan, V.Turchenko, V.Golovko, T.Laopoulos USING NEURAL NETWORKS FOR DECREASING ADC ERROR.- Proceedings of 4th IMEKO International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, Bordeaux, France, September 9-10, 1999, pp.78-81.
- V.Golovko, L.Grandinetti, V.Kochan, T.Laopoulos, A.Sachenko, V.Turchenko SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSING USING NEURAL NETWORKS.- Proceedings of the IEEE Region 8 International Conference Africon'99, Cape Town, South Africa, September 29-October 1, 1999, pp.345-350.
- A.Sachenko, V.Kochan, V.Turchenko, V.Koval DATA FUSION ALGORITHM IN INTELLIGENT DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORK.- Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICCNAI'99, Brest, Belarus, October 12-15, 1999, pp.136-141.
- A.Sachenko, V.Kochan, V.Turchenko, T.Laopoulos, V.Golovko, L.Grandinetti FEATURES OF INTELLIGENT DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORK HIGHER LEVEL DEVELOPMENT.- Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference IMTC/2000, Baltimore, USA, May 1-4, 2000, pp. 335-340.
- A.Sachenko, V.Kochan, V.Turchenko SENSOR DRIFT PREDICTION USING Neural Networks, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Virtual and Intelligent Measurement Systems VIMS'2000, Annapolis, USA, April 29-30, 2000, pp. 88-92.